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Thursday, November 23, 2006

This Is Freedom

At the end of every ICT (Reservist In-camp Training), we were given a questionaire, a sort of feedback from the Nsmen to the top officials. I remember several of the questions are asking us, in the line of whether we would die fighting to defend Singapore. This is met with cynical remarks from many NSmen. Some say they would be the first to run should a war descend upon Singapore while others say given a choice they would find the safest spot should there be no choice but to participate in the war. Yes, hardly encouraging isnt it? Of course i believe should that day comes, many would still fight to defend, well maybe not in the frame of mind of the country but definitely for their families.
Actually, we can see a subtle difference in the mentality between us and the westerners. An American General Patton during WWII once commented that he did not want his soldiers to die for his country, he wants them to let the bastard enemies die for their country instead. We may laugh at this seemingly tongue-in-cheek statement but it actually reflects our attitude towards life. Proactive vs Reactive. Think about it..

Celestial ~ 2 white soldiers, 3rd one coming? supp 1.52, res 1.68/1.79

FerroChina ~ failure to break .835 on next session could see a flag formation with supp at .76. A breakout of .835 would meet res at .90

China Paper ~ superbull, breakout of .335 gives a target of .355, supp at .305

Starhub ~ won exclusive epl rights for 3 seasons. supp 2.10, target res at 2.23/2.30


TopTrader said...

Celestial - collection is obvious judging from volumes.

TopTrader said...

China Paper: we get a similar idea - fibonacci ratio.

TopTrader said...

Starhub: insiders have been accumulating well before the news judging from volumes.

Anonymous said...

We are a pragmatic nation with pragmatic people. When the opportunities are here, we love Singapore. When opportunities and greener pasture is elsewhere, we love elsewhere. We're living in a global age. There is NOTHING to fight for here. Enjoy this place while it last.